(15 July 1854 in Radom - 8 October 1929 in Krakow) was one of the most famous painters of Polish Symbolism. In his creativity he successfully joins the predominant style of his times with motifs of Polish martyrdom.
Related Paintings of Jacek Malczewski :. | Follow the Stream - left wing of a triptych. | Polonia | Melancholia. | Portrait of Jozef Pilsudski | Polonia | Related Artists:
Govaert Flinck1615-1660
Govaert Flinck Locations
Born at Cleves, he was apprenticed by his father to a silk mercer, but having secretly acquired a passion for drawing, was sent to Leeuwarden, where he boarded in the house of Lambert Jacobszon, a Mennonite, better known as an itinerant preacher than as a painter.
Here Flinck was joined by Jacob Backer, and the companionship of a youth determined like himself to be an artist only confirmed his passion for painting. Amongst the neighbours of Jacobszon at Leeuwarden were the sons and relations of Rombertus van Uylenburgh, whose daughter Saske married Rembrandt in 1634. Other members of the same family lived at Amsterdam, cultivating the arts either professionally or as amateurs. The pupils of Lambert probably gained some knowledge of Rembrandt by intercourse with the Ulenburgs. Certainly Joachim von Sandrart, who visited Holland in 1637, found Flinck acknowledged as one of Rembrandt best pupils, and living habitually in the house of the dealer Hendrik Uylenburg at Amsterdam.
For many years Flinck laboured on the lines of Rembrandt, following that master style in all the works which he executed between 1636 and 1648. With aspirations as a history painter, however, he looked to the swelling forms and grand action of Peter Paul Rubens, which led to many commissions for official and diplomatic painting. Flinck relations with Cleves became in time very important. He was introduced to the court of the Great Elector, Friedrich Wilhelm I of Brandenburg, who married in 1646 Louisa of Orange. He obtained the patronage of John Maurice of Nassau, who was made stadtholder of Cleves in 1649. In 1652 a citizen of Amsterdam, Flinck married in 1656 an heiress, daughter of Ver Hoeven, a director of the Dutch East India Company. He was already well-known even then in the patrician circles over which the burgomasters De Graef and the Echevin Six presided; he was on terms of intimacy with the poet Vondel and the treasurer Uitenbogaard. In his house, adorned with antique casts, costumes, and a noble collection of prints, he often received the stadtholder John Maurice, whose portrait is still preserved in the work of the learned Barleius.
carl gustav piloCarl Gustaf Pilo, konstnär, målare, född 1711 i Nyköping, död 2 mars 1793 i Stockholm
Han studerade vid Konstakademien och för Arenius samt vidare i Tyskland. År 1740 till 1772 bosatt i Danmark, där han utnämndes till hovmålare, professor och direktör för akademien. I Danmark utförde han ett antal porträtt bl.a. av Fredrik V och Juliana Maria samt de kungliga barnen.
Efter Gustav III:s statskupp år 1772 blev man i Danmark avogt inställd mot svenskar och Pilo blev helt enkelt tvungen att fly till Sverige. Han bosatte sig i sin barndomsstad Nyköping. Gustav III sökte upp honom med uppdraget, att måla kungens kröning. Pilo försökte avsäga sig det, för han hade ju faktiskt inte varit med vid kröningen och han hade aldrig tidigare målat en gruppbild. Men kungen var envis och han ville ha en motsvarande målning till Ehrenstrahls på Drottningholm av Karl XI:s kröning och Gustav III ville att Pilo skulle måla den. Pilo antog till slut uppdraget och 1782 till 1793 arbetade han med tavlan , utan att bli helt färdig, vilket man ser om man studerar den noga där man på flera ställen på målningen upptäcker flera dubbla ansikten. Dessutom experimenterade Pilo med asfaltsfärg, vilket gör att tavlan uppvisar många större sprickbildningar.
Tavlan Gustav III:s kröning hänger på Nationalmuseum och är Pilos kanske yppersta arbete och en pärla i svensk konst. Kompositionen är väl avvägd, koloriten glänsande harmonisk samt de individuella porträtten är briljant utförda.
Pilo bör räknas till våra främsta målare och var särskilt skicklig som kolorist, där man ser spår och inflytande från den venetianska skolan och från Rembrandt. Många av hans tavlor utstrålar festivitas detta gäller framförallt den stora kröningstavlan. Pilos betydelse i svensk konsthistoria kan också utläsas i att Postverket vid tre tillfällen använt målningar av P. som motiv vid frimärksutgivning. Bl a utgavs till Pilos 250-årsdag en detalj ur kröningstavlan.
Även två av Pilos bröder var också konstnärer, dock med mindre framgång, Jöns Pilo (1707-?) och Olof Pilo (1718-1795).
Julian FalatJulian Falat, (30 July 1853 in Tuliglowy near Lwow - 9 July 1929 in Bystra Sląska) was one of the most prolific Polish painters of watercolor and one of the country's foremost landscape painters as well as one of the leading Polish impressionists. Falat first studied under Wladysław Luszczkiewicz at the Krakow School of Fine Arts, and then at the Art Academy of Munich. After several trips throughout Europe and Asia in 1885, Fałat compiled a collection of studies from his voyages which would become useful later in the development of his artwork. Themes typical of Fałat's painting are Polish landscapes, hunting scenes, portraits, and studies from his voyages. In 1886, Falat accepted an invitation from future German Emperor Wilhelm II to serve as court painter in Berlin.
Falat died in Bystra Sląska on July 9, 1929. A museum in Poland, called Falatowka, is devoted to him.
Out of his three children, Kazimierz (Togo) (1904-1981) continued to paint in watercolour.